
Welcome to Ewa Wachaczyk in our team!

September 01, 2017

Welcome to Ewa Wachaczyk in our team! Ewa received bachelor's degree in Chemical Technology at Warsaw University of Technology in 2017 and has joined Waste to fuel project as a scholarship

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Development of new class of catalytically

July 03, 2017

Welcome to our subcontracted partner in Development of new class of catalytically active materials for clean energy production. Looking forward to present you our new master student work in

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Our PhD student Rafael Gonzalez Gil at EUROPACAT 2017

September 27, 2017

Our PhD student Rafael Gonzalez Gil presented at EUROPACAT 2017, while Dr Izabela S.Pieta served as a chair of Hydrogen session.

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Waste 2 Fuel catalyst and process development for waste biomass verlorization

August 30, 2017

Alicia Kazmierczuk presented at EUROPACAT 2017.

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The first meeting of national project contractors

May 25, 2017

The first meeting of the national partners of the Waste into fuel project was held on Friday, 25th of November. This was on the one hand a familiarization meeting of project contractors, and on the other - commencement of research work, including the division of particular tasks among the interested.

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Micro-symposium IPC PAS (2017)

May 23, 2017

During this year's Reporting Micro-symposium (10-12 January, 2017) the following posters were presented:

  1. Hydrogen production by steam reforming of DME over Ni-based catalysts modified with vanadium
    R. González Gil, C. Herrera, M. Larrubia, P. Kowalik, Luis J. Alemany, I. S. Pieta
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XLIX Polish Annual Conference on Catalysis

May 19, 2017

On 15-17 March 2017 in the auditorium of the Jerzy Haber Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry PAS in Cracow took place the 49th Polish AnnualConference on Catalysis, in which we had the opportunity to participate.

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Green Ideas XXI Century

May 17, 2017

Our poster titled “Waste 2 Fuel catalyst and process development for waste biomass valorisation” was also presented during the third edition of the Scientific

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